Monday, March 10, 2008

Brazil Baby!!!!!

so after galapagos we jumped on yet another plane and headed for our most visited city in this trip, thats right.... Santiago!

This was now the 3rd time there and this time was different as my holiday was over and I had to work there for two days. Rob lazed about the hotel recovering from a minor cold and fatigue after such a great trip.

On Tuesday night Rob geared up and headed to the airport for the trip home, she has a few days off still as she doesn't start the new job till Tuesday. Its a shit of a trip home though and it took her around 24 hours.

I jumped on a plane for my flight to Sao Paulo in Brazil to do some work for a couple of days there. The flight out was amazing with a perfect morning, and a crystal clear view as we went over the Andes. It was a really special flight.

Sao Paulo is HUGE, not quite as big as Mexico city but not far off it, about 18 million here. Its a monster. The traffic is terrible and the pollution is much much better than Santiago with 3 million, go figure....

Anyway, work as usual consisted of visiting a lot of shopping centres and a lot of negotiations and discussions, this time in Portuenglish. I will be multilingual after this trip for sure! Brazil is not really what I expected, although I was only here for 4.1 days I don't think I got a good feel of the city or the people.

On Saturday night I hooked up with Silvia Marino, well known to some of you balloonies as the cheif observer for Brazil and a good friend since 1997. It was great to catch up, although I did have one or two too many which may not have been the best idea right before my flight home.

Speaking of that, my trip home, from arriving at Sao paulo Airport will take me 37 hours! Thats a lot of time. Have a guess where I am as I write this...........thats right.... Santiago, again! This is the last time as I am now 7 hours into the return trip, only 30 to go, yeehah :(

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