Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I like the girl!

Well I am sold. I think this is a great city. I am loving Hong Kong although today was a bit of a long day as I may, and I repeat, May...... be a bit hung over. One of the traps of entertaining clients I guess..... Anyway, this is what I love about the place so far:

The fact that everything is so close together, the way the lanes are full of all of the Aisan stalls you expect to find, I love the harbour, The MTR is brilliant, clean and ontime, I love the hawks that fly in and out of the highrises surfing the air currents for lift.

I am sure that the constant noise and bustle and the crowded nature of everything would drive me mad after a very short time, fortunately, I am only here for a very short time :)

So far I have done none of the things on my list of must do's. I think I should be able to get out and about a bit more tomorrow and will hopefully get a few of the fun things done then.

Went to a great little bar near the financial area last night and I swear we had to kick our way in through all the nut shells that people were throwing on the floor. Quite someting to see. Apparently if its on the floor you cant see it which means its all OK. We then headed out to another bar somewhere else (I am just going where I am pointed) and drank far too many beers. Great beers, great company, great city, what more can you ask for in a city.

Roll on tomorrow.

1 comment:

Big Wave said...

What the hell are you doing in Honkers?
Sounds like pleasure thinly vieled as business. As usual.